Iris Owens, a German and history senior, has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Germany for the 2018-19 school year. Spanish professor Christopher Weimer was the lead editor for a Festschrift for Frederick de Armas, one of the most prominent scholars of 16th- and 17th-century Spanish literature in the world today. Grad students are experts on stress William Hammond, a plant biology Ph.D. student, has been awarded a three-year National Science Foundation graduate research fellowship worth a total of $138,000 to study the thresholds of water stress that tree species can withstand. Art History professor Cristina Gonzalez wrote the cover story for an issue of The Art Bulletin , the quarterly publication considered the most prestigious scholarly journal for visual studies and art criticism. Lindsey Hancock, a physiology/pre-medical sciences junior, won a prestigious Udall Scholarship for her leadership and health-related accomplishments. She is OSU's 17th Udall Scholar and the fourth in four years. Particles are fundamental Covering the topic Auf Wiedersehen Felicidades Four years, four winners Inquiring minds earn awards Nikki Clauss, a doctoral student in experimental psychology, and Michelle King, a doctoral candidate in microbiology and molecular genetics, earned the 2018 Otto S. Cox Graduate Fellowship for Genetics Research. The competitive fellowship supports OSU graduate students who have proven records of genetic inquiry from any discipline or interdisciplinary program. Five physics professors received a $1 .226 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to conduct fundamental research in elementary particle physics. It supports experimental particle physics research led by Flera Rizatdinova, Alexander Khanov and Joseph Haley, as well as theoretical physics research led by Satya Nandi and Kaladi Babu.