home-cooked dinner,” Garbutt said. “We will sit around the dinner table and chat about their goals and aspirations and howwe can help them get there.” Garbutt will also be advising the fellows, to start preparing them for prestigious scholarships and study-abroad opportunities they would like to pursue. Ferrell, who has enough AP credit hours to declare as an incoming junior, looks forward to studying psychology this fall. “I’ve always enjoyed analyzing and looking at big-picture and little-picture, so I think psychology will be a good fit,” she said. “I still have a lot of dots to connect, but I’m looking forward to the advisors helping me connect those.” Ferrell is grateful for the scholarship, which allows her to focus more on school and start planning her future. Her family is supporting her goals. “I’m very lucky to have such a supportive family,” Ferrell said. “My achievements are not my own, and they never have been. I am the product of a loving and caring family. The love that they’ve given me and the opportunities they have given me have gotten me here.” “My achievements are not my own, and they never have been. I am the product of a loving and caring family. The love that they’ve givenme and the opportunities they have given me have gottenme here.” — ABIGAIL FERRELL OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 33