Kaipa said he foresees great things for the CDIS department. “We have expanded our faculty, the student enrollment numbers are only increasing, our outreach programs have expanded exponentially and will continue to do so as we work toward becoming one of the premier speech and language pathology programs in the country.” Kaipa is proud of the department’s outreach initiatives. In addition to offering annual hearing screenings to members of the OSU and Stillwater community, CDIS is involved in a range of community engagement. Many faculty members pursue research that benefits members of the community. And every year, the department hosts the Cimarron Conference on Communication Disorders, which promotes coordination and continuing education on the latest developments. Last year’s conference drew 140 attendees, including 20 CDIS students. “…when I got to OSU, I realized that there was something that stood out about this campus fromother places: People were very warmand welcoming here, and I enjoyed that immensely.” — RAMESH KAIPA OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 15