M any people oversimplify the concept of geography, thinking of it as memorizing maps. But Alyson Greiner, head of the Department of Geography in Oklahoma State University’s College of Arts and Sciences, likes to explain how it is much more interesting than that. For example, as a cultural historical geographer, she specializes in the similarities and differences between America and Australia. She is fascinated by howOklahoma’s landscape changed as a part of the NewDeal projects, including the eradication of malaria, during the Great Depression. She even explains the northward migration of the sweet-tea line — the prevalence of that drink has historically been one way to differentiate the South from its neighboring regions, but that boundary is moving, or at least blurring, of late. “Geography is the relationship between people and place, which includes the environment,” Greiner said. “It also involves the use of technologies to help us better understand our environment and howwe’re changing it. We do a lot with remote sensing, which is made possible by satellites with sensors that detect different types of energy and enable us to analyze transformations in the landscape, such as the loss of agricultural land to urban growth or sprawl. And, of course, we do a lot with maps and mapping.” The Department of Geography offers three majors to fit the demands of today’s students: geography, geospatial information science, and global studies. The latter is the newest and is designed with three emphases: culture of the arts and humanities, geopolitics and the global economy, and global sustainability. More ThanMaps Greiner defines geography as ‘the relationship between people and place’ STORY JACOB LONGAN | | PHOTO JASON WALLACE To underscore the point about the breadth of knowledge included in geography, Greiner rattled off some of her colleagues’ research, citing geoarchaeologist Carlos Cordova’s palynology — the study of ancient pollen grains to learn about the vegetative landscape of different places and times — and Jacqueline Vadjunec’s research project in the Oklahoma Panhandle and parts of NewMexico examining how ranchers cope with environmental changes, especially the recurring drought. Dale Lightfoot studies water- related technologies, including the distribution and diffusion of qanats, underground channels used for irrigation predominantly in the Middle East. Also, Rebecca Sheehan is examining the contentious issue of removing Confederate monuments in NewOrleans. “We also have a project where we are working with the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department to develop resource-management plans for the parks,” Greiner said. “Our department embodies a great deal of research diversity. Many of the faculty also teach and lead study-abroad courses.” Greiner came to OSU in 1996 after completing her doctorate at the University of Texas. She had earned a 1991 master’s degree at the University of Missouri, and a 1988 bachelor’s at MaryWashington College in her native Virginia. She moved to Oklahoma with her husband, Luis Montes, who has been chair of the University of Central Oklahoma’s Department of Chemistry since 2012. Greiner took on her own administrative role at OSU last January. She is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Department of Geography, which includes the faculty, staff and students. “I really keep in mind that the students are the reason we are here,” Greiner said. “That affects everything frommaking sure we have classes scheduled appropriately, in terms of course subjects and also sections open, to helping facilitate drops and adds and registration. I also help manage the day- to-day affairs of the department, from overseeing things like ordering supplies to managing the budget.” 12 CONNECT 201 8