I have observed news outlets proclaiming that the liberal arts do not lead to careers for their graduates, thus encouraging students to enroll in professional degree programs instead. The liberal arts include every major in the college, from English to mathematics to multimedia journalism. Such state- ments about these degrees are utterly misplaced. Studies regularly demonstrate that rates of employment and salaries are equitable among liberal arts and professional graduates; studies also demonstrate that liberal arts majors learn more than their professional degree counterparts. Isn’t learning why students attend university? Not only are liberal arts degrees alive and well, they remain the best-suited majors for learning at universities. What is true — yet not covered by the media — is that students learn more when their coursework is paired with experiential learning opportunities: Research and intern- ships are critical for student success. During a research experience, a faculty member mentors a student one-on-one on the research process. During an internship, a working professional mentors a student on applying degree-based skills in a work environment. Not so long ago, companies read- ily offered unpaid internships for students. However, policies have changed, and many companies will accept only students who receive a stipend to participate. Similarly, students often volunteered to conduct research alongside faculty members, but the financial pressure of increasing college costs is driving those students toward part-time jobs instead. This is where you come in. Alumni and friends of the College of Arts and Sciences have started to provide funding for our students to participate in internships and research experiences, changing excel- lent degree programs into trans- formational ones. Replicating this support will be the primary goal for the College of Arts and Sciences over the next few years. Supporting one Cowboy at a time, you can make an incredible differ- ence at Oklahoma State University. I encourage you to reach out to me or to the OSU Foundation to learn how to become involved in this effort. Sincerely, Bret From the Dean … PHOTO / JASON WALLACE Bret Dani lowicz, dean, Col lege of Arts and Sciences P r e p a r i n g S t u d e n t s b y L i b e r a t i n g L e a r n i n g