17 Art and science are both about observation and developing techni- cal skills, according to Ramsay. “When you are shown how to properly accomplish basic techni- cal skills or processes, the result is confidence, which then leads to an opportunity to make observa- tions about the world and express it through that medium,” Ramsay says. “If you are a scientist, it is critical that you learn how to oper- ate precision instruments with confidence to record your obser- vations, to know if you are truly making a new discovery.” Often the most amazing stories are not discovered until after the SAA ends. “I had a student in the course who was not very socially adjusted,” Ramsay says. “Over the course of the week, I spent just a little extra time devoted to help- ing this student succeed. And to be honest, when the class ended only five days later, I had no idea what kind of impact I had made, if any.” But a few weeks later, Ramsay ran into a mutual acquaintance in the supermarket and heard the rest of the story. “[The student] has so much more confidence,” the acquian- tance told him, “and has been so proud of the work accomplished in the class and has gone on to make more art projects!” “That right there sums up what’s it’s all about,” Ramsay says. “Empowering the next generation to be bold, to create, and to feel free to express themselves artisti- cally in practical ways, and apply- ing that creativity and boldness into their own lives.” “I have always bel ieved that we’ve needed a program l ike this here at Oklahoma State Universi ty. I t’s been wonderful to see this program take shape and expand.” – Chr is Ramsay PHOTO BY JASON WALLACE Ramsay has been teaching ful l t ime at OSU since 1990.