CULTURING CREATIVITY 15 By Kevin Karaki Teens get a college experience with Summer Art Academy The Summer Art Academy (SAA) at Oklahoma State University gives students 13-18 years old a taste of that. The program allows junior high and high school students to expe- rience designing and creating art projects at the college level. Art professor Chris Ramsay has been involved with the SAA since its organization three years ago, and he is excited to see the expan- sion of the program. “I have always believed that we’ve needed a program like this here at Oklahoma State University,” Ramsay says. “It’s been wonderful to see this program take shape and expand.” For the past three years, OSU faculty and students have instructed various classes, from computer-generated graphic design to working with hammers and anvils to craft jewelry (Ramsay’s class). The range of classes in the Summer Art Academy reflects the breadth of OSU’s art classes as well as the creativity of the SAA students. “They accomplish amazing things in such a short and concen- trated period of time. I have had to re-evaluate my expectations for the fall undergraduate students after working with Summer Art Academy students,” Ramsay says, a huge grin on his face. Both of Ramsay’s parents were educators: One taught elementary school, the other at the university level. With K-12 teaching certifica- tion of his own, to say nothing of his experiences with twin teenage children, programs such as these are very close to his heart. It seems kids always want to grow up faster. CONTINUES PHOTO BY JASON WALLACE