PHOTO / BRIAN PETROTTA / A&S 48 COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES 2014 Distinguished Alumni The Distinguished Alumni award recognizes alumni who attain distinctive success in their field or profession, and perform outstanding service to their community. The Rising Star award recognizes alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years and who demonstrate the promise of future leadership and bring distinction to the college. From left: Dean Bret Danilowicz, Katy Kite, Jeffrey Medders, Brenda Neal, and on behalf of Burris DeBenning: Annawyn Shamas, Ellen Shamas-Brandt and Jon Jefferson DeBenning. BURRIS DEBENNING , a 1959 theat re gradu- ate, went on to ach i eve an impress i ve l i st of TV and f i lm cred i ts dur i ng h i s act i ng career. Hi s proudest successes , however, were h i s two sons . DeBenn i ng, who d i ed i n 2003 was honored posthumous l y as an A&S Di st i ngu i shed Al umnus . BRENDA NEAL , a 1965 A&S graduate, i s a sen i or v i ce pres i dent of wea l th management wi th g l oba l f i nanc i a l serv i ces f i rm Morgan Stan l ey. She has more than 33 years i n the i ndust ry. Nea l he l ps h i gh schoo l students understand the i nvest - ment process and has rece i ved severa l awards for her char i ta- b l e ef for ts . JEFFREY MEDDERS , a 1985 rad i o, TV and f i lm graduate, i s pres- i dent /CEO of Tu l sa- based Geron imo Product i ons . Geron imo produces shows such as the Wrang l er Nat i ona l F i na l s Rodeo, Champ i onsh i p Bu l l Ri d i ng and Xt reme Bu l l s . Medders l i ves i n Tu l sa wi th h i s wi fe, Di ana, and the i r four ch i l dren. KATY KITE , a 2009 graph i c des i gn a l umna, rece i ved the co l l ege’s Ri s i ng Star award. Ki te i s the ar t d i rec- tor for L i t t l ef i e l d Brand Deve l opment i n Tu l sa and was named one of the c i ty ’s 40 under 40 awardees . Her work has won numer- ous awards and been featured i n severa l pub l i cat i ons . Four alumni from Oklahoma State University’s College of Arts & Sciences were honored at the college’s Distinguished Alumni Luncheon on Oct. 24.