OSU ARMY ROTC 45 THE BIANNUAL ROTC ALUMNI BURGER BURN Both the Army and Air Force ROTC programs host biannual OSU ROTC Alumni Burger Burns that encourage their alumni to return to campus and interact with returning and new cadets. The Burger Burns take place toward the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Visit or call 405-744-2055 for more information. T he Army ROTC program, also referred to as the Department of Military Science, has plans to celebrate its centennial in grand fashion. During the 2016-17 OSU football season, ROTC will pay tribute to its past and present cadets, many of whom have gone on to establish distinguished and diverse military careers. Retired Maj. Michael Dale, the recruit- ing operations officer of OSU’s Army ROTC program, explains its cadets coming from a wide range of academic majors, strengthens the program and helps to produce its outstanding officers. “We have pre-vet med, chemistry, ento- mology, accounting, engineering and even education majors,” Dale says. “That’s the good thing about the Army. You can be pretty much any major and become a lieutenant in the U.S. Army.” Over the past 100 years, the program has commissioned more than 6,000 Army officers, with 90 becoming generals. The incentives to join the Army ROTC program include more than just scholar- ships and career opportunities. Dale says the program is a community for its cadets. Every year, the cadets have opportuni- ties to participate in unit projects, such as the Army Ranger Challenge and unit projects with the National Society of the Pershing Rifles. Last year, OSU cadets traveled to White Sands, N.M., for the Bataan Memorial Death March for the first time. Unfortunately, the Army doesn’t pay for these projects, so the cadets rely on the generosity of contribu- tions and creative funding strategies. Dale says many former cadets often donate to specific projects. However, there has been no general fund established that would help fill in the gaps for various other opportunities that might arise. “I know our cadets would really like to participate in the Army 10-miler,” Dale says. “It costs money for us to go, and it’s one of those projects we haven’t gotten to take on yet. Even for last year’s Bataan March, one of our freshman cadets was instrumental in raising the funds for us to go.” Former cadets of the program offer career advice and mentoring to current cadets, Dale says. Last year, an Army captain stopped by Thatcher Hall while he was in the area. The cadets were full of questions for this former OSU cadet who has achieved significant milestones in his young military career. “He talked mostly about expectations after leaving the ROTC and his assign- ments and career progression,” Dale says. “He was commissioned as an infan- try officer out of Oklahoma State. He went to the 173rd infantry regiment in Italy. He successfully made it through Ranger School and the Special Forces selection course, and he did three tours in Afghanistan. Cadets are excited to hear about these types of experiences.” Scholarships, unit projects and relation- ships with former cadets are all benefits OSU Army ROTC cadets receive. Also, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin recently approved House Bill 138, which gives in-state tuition rates to out-of-state ROTC cadets. Because of these opportunities, Dale looks forward to another 100 years of working with even more cadets and honor- ing the Army ROTC tradition at OSU. PHIL SHOCKLEY / UNIVERSITY MARKETING