PHOTO / ANDREA SKIMBO / A&S 41 Last year, the College of Arts & Sciences Student Council took on the challenge of establishing a large-scale recognition of student contributions from both the arts and the sciences. Presenting a World of Talent A&S Student Council events honor student contributions Forrest Rogers, the 2014-2015 council president, says the group understood that the council needed to recog- nize A&S students internally and share their talents with the world at large. “Over the past few years, the student council has been thinking that we needed to expand what we do within the college,” Rogers says. “We saw a need to showcase the college and decided this was the year to do it.” After brainstorming ideas, the council decided on a two-part approach. The Autumn Arts Gala recog- nizes the arts and humanities in the fall, and the A&S Undergraduate 3MT ® Competition recognizes sciences and research in the spring. CONTINUES STORY BY Jamie Hadwin PHOTOGRAPHY BY Phil Shockley / UNIVERSITY MARKETING AND Brian Petrotta / A&S