40 OSUTeach provides an irreplace- able opportunity for students and serves as a pathway to a solution for the shortage of science, technol- ogy, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education professionals in Oklahoma. OSUTeach is meeting a need for many schools across the state and the country. “There is a huge need for quali- fied teachers, especially in mathe- matics and science in Oklahoma,” says Barnes. “This program is reaching out to students inter- ested in STEM who maybe haven’t considered teaching as a career.” OSU was one of five U.S. univer- sities in 2014 to receive a five-year grant to implement the UTeach model, made possible by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National Mathematics and Science Initiative and the UTeach Institute. OSUTeach has been setting records since the idea was put into motion. As part of the grant, the university had to provide some matching funds. Working with the OSU Foundation, OSUTeach raised $900,000 within the first year, which is unprecedented in the UTeach community. “Part of the reason we were so successful in raising this money within the first year is many corpo- rations and foundations realize the need for STEM education,” says Denise Unruh, senior direc- tor of development with the OSU Foundation. “The fundraising goal now is to establish a $5 million endowment to sustain the program beyond the five years of the grant.” This endowment would also help fund a Mentor Teacher Academy on the OSU campus. The Academy would bring together the mentor teachers to better prepare them to guide the students through the OSUTeach program. It would also create a networking opportu- nity and camaraderie among the teachers. About the money … OSUTeach is funded by a five-year, $1.45 million grant from the National Mathematics and Science Initiative and is modeled after the UTeach program at the University of Texas-Austin. It’s the only such program in Oklahoma. OSUTeach will have five years to firmly establish the program into the cultures of the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. But after five years? You can be part of the solution. Several funding opportunities are available to secure the future of OSUTeach. Options include: » » Professorships in integrative biology and mathematics » » Scholarships » » Internships » » Stipends for mentor teachers and students » » Summer academy for mentor teachers With your help to continue the OSUTeach initiative, OSU will lead in STEM education. For more information on donating, contact Denise Unruh at 405-385-5663 or at “The Mentor Teacher Academy would bring the mentor teachers on campus and get them excited about teaching mathematics and science,” Unruh says. Students involved in OSUTeach praise the program. “Working with actual teachers through OSUTeach has been great because you get a glimpse of what you can become in the future,” says Cain. “They are great examples both in the classroom and behind the scenes of what goes on in the classroom.” “I think the student teaching is what makes OSUTeach so special,” says Fisher. “Not only do we receive two degrees, but we also get real-life experience of what it is like to be a teacher in the real world.” “We really hope these students will go into teaching upon graduation,” says Barnes. “They will be success- ful no matter what path they choose, but it would be really special to see them become educators.” PHIL SHOCKLEY / UNIVERSITY MARKETING