PHOTO / BRIAN PETROTTA / A&S 39 “I would definitely recommend this program to incoming fresh- men because your first two semes- ters you get to take the recruitment courses where you try out teach- ing and really learn what it is like,” says Laurianne Fisher, a junior majoring in chemistry with a secondary education option. “You get reimbursed for these classes so you actually get paid to take them! If you don’t like teaching and learn that it is not for you, then you can pick something else — but you get to keep the money.” These introductory courses allow students to experience teach- ing in the classroom early in their academic careers. With these opportunities, students can polish such skills as curriculum develop- ment and classroom management for elementary, middle school and high school classes. “OSUTeach helped me determine which grade I want to teach upon graduation,” says Danielle Cain, a sophomore majoring in mathe- matics with an option of secondary education. “So far, I know that I’m called more to middle school than elementary because we had the experience to teach in both class- rooms. So now it is between middle school and high school, which OSUTeach will help me deter- mine further down the road of my college classes for the program.” The partnership between OSUTeach and Stillwater Public Schools allows students into real classrooms for observations and teaching experience. The mentor teachers also provide feedback to the OSUTeach students. “OSUTeach has outstanding support from Stillwater Public Schools,” Barnes says. “We really enjoy working with the teachers.” Interacting with teachers in the classroom often turns out to be a favorite part of the OSUTeach program for many students. “My favorite part of the OSUTeach experience is actu- ally going out and teaching in schools around Stillwater,” Fisher says. “There is no better way to learn than hands-on experience, especially when you are a science major.” CONTINUES Many students struggle to see how a mathematics or science degree may be applicable in a particular career field. “These paid internships allow our OSUTeach students to see how they can apply what they learn in class to real careers,” says Barnes. “It gives them an opportunity to utilize their knowledge in a different way.” Cain says her summer internship allowed her to use her mathematics degree and skills. “I am interning at FabLab Tulsa, which has been extremely fun,” Cain says. “We have had two sessions for students in sixth through ninth grades to come into the lab for skateboard camp. They design the outline of their board on a computer program, a giant cutting machine cuts out their boards, and the students then create designs for their boards. I’ve never seen such creativity before; their ideas amazed me!” “There is no better way to learn than hands-on experience.” — Laurianne Fisher, chemistry junior