A new Core Research Fac i l i t y wi l l spr ingboard research and teaching wi thin the Boone Pickens School of Geology, elevat ing OSU’s internat ional presence when i t comes to geosciences . The 6, 500 - square - foot fac i l i ty wi l l be a s tor ehouse f or ac t i ve r esea r ch wi t h ded i cated space f or layout , examinat ion and ana lys i s and wi l l provide a one - stop shop for core t reatment . Studying core rock sampl es he lps student s and facul t y a l i ke so l ve env i ronmenta l , indus t r ia l , and eng ineer ing prob l ems . The new Core Research Faci l i ty wi l l make OSU graduates more we l l - rounded , marketabl e profess iona l s . Find out how you can get involved. Contact Lauren Kidd at the OSU Foundation at or 405. 385.0724. Geology Core RESEARCH LABORATORY