17 M idterm elections are approaching, and recent polls show that less than a quarter of adults under 30 are sure they’ll vote this upcom- ing election season. Brandon Lenoir, visiting political science profes- sor at Oklahoma State University, aims to change this trend. Does he stand a chance? Well, many of his students call him engaging, enthusiastic and funny. Yes, funny. So is that the secret behind Lenoir’s success with his students, many of whom are part of this absent group of voters? Derek Wietelman, a political science and statis- tics junior, thinks Lenoir’s diverse experience in politics, media, the military and academia all contribute to his success. “He has all these various life experiences in different fields that he can tie together and inter- weave and it benefits everyone,”Wietelman says. “He’s a really funny guy, too. I think anytime you add humor to your lectures, it helps with student engagement.” CONTINUES