32 Professors and a l umn i f rom the zoo logy, geo logy, mi crob io logy and botany recept ion i nc l ude (f rom l ef t) Dr. Gamal Aal Abdel , Br i t tany Ford , Pr ide Abongwa and Mercy Achang . Phys i cs a l umn i gather i ng wi th facu l t y members are (f rom l ef t) John Mintmi re , Doyle Fouquet , Bi l l Steckelberg and Jim Wicksted . Among the facu l t y, staf f and a l umn i at the po l i t i ca l sc i ence recept ion were (f rom l ef t) Ed Nol tensmeyer , Jeanet te Mendez , Eve Ringsmuth , Dana Glenncross , Vincent Burke , Jim Davis , Teresa Tacket t , Cindy Hutchinson , Pam Amos , Steven Webster , Nik Emmanuel and Ben Pryor . Some of those at the botany homecomi ng recept ion i nc l uded (f rom l ef t) Gerald Schönknecht , Mark Fishbein , Nicole Bryant , Lupi ta Bor ja , Linda Watson , Zoe Aust in and Chr is Wood . Homecoming Receptions Hundreds of alumni, students and friends attend the A&S homecoming reception. In 2012, A&S divided its 24 departments to host four different receptions. Alumni from 1962 and 1986 received 50- and 25-year pins respectively at each reception.