10 President Burns Hargis cuts the r i bbon ce l ebrat i ng the comp l et ion of the OSU Mathemat ics Learning Success Center i n Apr i l . From l ef t : Wi l l iam Jaco , math depar tment head; Chr is Burnet t , pres i dent , Nabho l z Const ruct ion Ser v i ces Operat ions; Bret Dani lowicz , dean, Co l l ege of Ar ts and Sc i ences; Shei la Johnson , dean, L i brar i es; Hargis ; Calvin Anthony , OSU/A&M Board of Regents; Rober t Sternberg , then-provost and sen ior v i ce pres i dent ; and Chr is Francisco , assoc i ate head of lower d i v i s ion mathemat i cs. MATHEMATICS LEARNING SUCCESS CENTER BY THE NUMBERS The new Mathematics Learning Success Center opened this summer on the fifth floor of the Edmon Low Library on the OSU-Stillwater campus. The center is available to all students in lower-level mathematics courses looking for resources in addition to the classroom. Math department head and Regents Professor William Jaco says the center is a cornerstone to building OSU’s program of student learning and success in mathematics. “Mathematics is the key to opening doors to opportunity and careers for students. It is the foundation to the STEM subjects (science, technology, engi- neering and mathematics),” he says. To learn more, visit 2 large tutor ing areas for 1000-level courses and calculus classes 3 SMART boards for presenting examples and stor ing onl ine for future student use 5 tutor ing rooms for smal l-group tutor ing 9 hours of low- cost tutor ing for area high school students each week 10 laptops avai lable for check-out