Arts and Sciences 2009

Investing in the Future Sadie Stockdale is racking up some impressive accomplishments at OSU. She is president of the Arts and Sciences Student Council, a Truman Scholar nominee, vice president of the Political Honor Society, former president of the Pre-Law Club, a Top Ten Freshman and the Top Greek Sophomore and Junior. The political science senior expects to earn her degree in May with a minor in gerontology. She then plans to attend law school, followed by a career helping the elderly with cases of abuse, neglect and Social Security claims. By all accounts, Stockdale is the type of student OSU and Arts and Sciences wants to attract, but she would not have come to Stillwater from Springfield, Mo., without the scholarships she receives. Among those are the A.R. Bert and Anne Larason President’s Distinguished Scholarship endowed by the late Margaret Larason; a nonresident achievement scholarship that covers out-of-state tuition; and a Fourjay Foundation Scholarship. She is also a Wentz Scholar. “OSU has offered me great scholarships,” Stockdale says. “The people here are so generous and friendly. I can’t even express how grateful I am to the school for giving me all they have.” Not only did the scholarships attract her to Stillwater, but they also have been vital to her success here. “I only have to work one job, which the university helped me find in the Honors College,” Stockdale says. “That has given me time to sit down and focus on my studies. It’s definitely made me into the person I’m going to be.” Her accomplishments now are an investment in her future, as is her debt-free education. For Stockdale, that is especially important because she knows she will have to take on debt to pay for her law degree. But her benefits thus far will ultimately be OSU’s gain — she plans to return the favor to her alma mater. “I’m going to give back to the school,” Stockdale says. “I want to help kids, out-of-state especially, come to the school I love.” Photo by Chris Lewis College of Arts and Sciences 10 development